10 HALF MARATHON HACKS to Make Running 13.1 Miles a Breeze
10 Brilliant Insider Secrets You NEED to Run Your First Half Marathon!
2021 is YOUR year to become a half marathoner!
Be smart – snag my FREE list of half marathon hacks to make training & race day wayyyy easier!
Don’t Guess. Get Tips From an Experienced Half Marathoner!
Stop scouring the internet to piece together your half marathon knowledge.
Sure, you’ll find a useful tip here and there…but how long will it take to uncover enough info to get started?
Read my 10 half marathon hacks – to get a jumpstart and quickly discover tips that worked for me (a casual runner-turned-half marathoner). They’ll work for you too!
Don’t make the same mistakes I did: learn these insanely helpful half marathon hacks and be race-ready for 2021 in no time!
Here’s What You’ll Get:
- Genius ways to make training easier (and more effective)
- Sneaky tactics for a stress-free race day
- Things you absolutely shouldn’t do (if you want to finish the half marathon)
- And more!
Stop researching & start preparing.
Make 2021 the year you become a HALF MARATHONER!
About Bethany
Hi, I’m Bethany!
Considered “un-athletic” for most of my life, I started running casually in my mid-twenties.
From 5K’s to a half marathon…I learned every mistake the hard way.
Now an RRCA-certified run coach, I’m passionate about helping ‘casual’ runners become happy half marathoners by demystifying & uncomplicating the training process.
Ready to run your first 13.1 miles? Let me help! Snag my 10 Half Marathon Hacks & get started now!
The Runner’s High at the Finish Line is Insanely Awesome!
Are you ready for the rush of finishing your first 13.1?
The pride & sense of accomplishment are awaiting you!
Get started today!
Learn 10 Half Marathon Hacks & be ONE STEP CLOSER to becoming a half marathon!!