8 Reasons to Hire a (Kickass) Online Running Coach to Help You Crush Your Goals

8 Reasons to Hire a (Kickass) Online Running Coach to Help You Crush Your Goals

A running coach helps you achieve your running goals, it’s a fact.

Plus, an ONLINE running coach helps you crush your running goals, no matter where you live!

Many runners mistakenly think a running coach is only meant for elite runners (I did too!) but let me tell you, that is SO far from true.

Every runner with goals deserves a running coach! YOU deserve a running coach!

“But why?” You might be asking.

“Why hire an online running coach? Is it worth the money? How can a running coach help me?”

…..or, my favorite (because I did it for years too) “I don’t need a coach, I just Google everything”.

I hear you. I wondered the same things.

So without further ado, allow me to explain the 8 important reasons that runners with goals should get a running coach to achieve and crush their goals.

1.) Personalized Training Plans

Ever googled “5K training plan for beginners” or “half marathon training plan” to find a training plan?

I did too. And it’s fine. It will probably get you across the finish line.

But what won’t it do?

It won’t address your individual goal. It won’t be customized to your experience. It won’t be tailored to help improve your weaknesses and enhance your strengths.

Basically: a cookie-cutter plan results in cookie-cutter results.

However, an online running coach assesses your race goal, your years of experience, your current mileage abilities, and much more, to create a beautiful, personalized plan meant just for you!

This is especially important for runners who aren’t sure what they’re doing (and I say this with love, because I was once that runner).

You have great intentions, you work super hard, you Google answers to all of your questions….but….at the end of the day….you aren’t really sure what the right thing to do is. And that’s ok!

So save yourself time. Save yourself frustration. Hire an online running coach.

Allow an online running coach to do all the heavy-lifting (metaphorically, of course, you still have to literally do the heavy lifting) πŸ˜‰

2.) Weekly Check-ins & Plan Adjustment

Why Hire an Online Running Coach - Weekly Adjustments

Speaking of not doing extra work, guess what else your running coach does for you?

Weekly training plan tweaking.

He/she assesses how your previous week went based on your feedback, and makes adjustments as needed.

Why is this important?

Because stuff happens and you need to adjust accordingly. Workouts are too hard, too easy, not fun, etc. Or you tweak a muscle. Or you’re exhausted from the week.

I remember blindly following training plans I’d found online, which again, were fine, but then something would go wrong and I’d refuse to alter the plan.

Why? Because, quite frankly, I had no idea how to.

So, if you are a beginner, or have a specific running goal to hit, let a running coach assess your training plan for you each week!

3.) Running Workouts that Fit Your Goal

Why Hire an Online Running Coach - Running Workouts

When I first started running, I had no idea what running workouts were. I honesty thought only elite runners did intervals (which was the only one I’d heard of at the time).

Then, I hired my first running coach. I wanted to complete my second half marathon, but without injuries this time. (I got injured the first time because I followed a cookie-cutter plan that didn’t address strength training, which I badly needed).

She provided me with a weekly plan that included…gasp….running workouts! And they weren’t written in Greek!

I cycled through tempo runs, hill workouts and even long and short intervals.

I couldn’t BELIEVE how much stronger I felt this time around, compared to my first half marathon!

And every week, my running coach evaluating how my week went before giving me next week’s workout schedule. So if long intervals at a (fast-for-me) pace were too hard (they were), she adjusted.

Would you know how to adjust your workouts if something went wrong? If so, awesome! If not….that’s another benefit of hiring a running coach.

4.) Accountability

Why Hire an Online Running Coach - Accountability

Some people love having an accountability partner.

Someone they know is paying attention. Someone who knows their goal, and how badly they want them.

Someone who will give them a swift kick in the butt if they slack off (although I’m less of a “swift kick” motivator and more of a “gentle reminder” coach).

Sometimes friends can be that person. Or family.

But sometimes those people are too close to you to be truthful when you need brutal honesty. They just won’t have the heart to get you back on track.

BOOM. Enter: your running coach.

That’s part of her job! And she loves doing it, because she wants to see you hit your goal almost as much as you do.

5.) Motivation

This category is similar to accountability, but also happens when you’re doing everything right too (and not just when you’re messing up or slacking).

(And might involve some virtual champagne-drinking to celebrate wins too!)

Like gazing at a motivational running quote, getting your running coach’s email with words of encouragement is like a beacon in your day. A light in a dark room. A bag of bagels at the finish line (ok, you get the point haha).

Sometimes runners need to feel the energy and support to excel. And your running coach delivers that energy with a shot of (metaphorical) Gatorade too.

6.) Race Day Strategy

Race day is coming! Race day is coming!

Whether it’s your first half marathon, your first try at a Boston Qualifying time, or your 20th 5K…you’re gonna need a race strategy.


For many reasons, including:

  • To have a routine planned out and tested ahead of time (never do something new on race day, especially not trying new mid-run snacks)
  • To know how to keep nerves at bay. Runners get nervous before a race, especially a big one. Work with your coach to figure out how to go into the race your calmest self.
  • To know how to approach the race itself. Should you go out fast and then even out? Go out conservatively? How do I manage those hills? Your coach will help you answer all these questions (and more).

For my second half marathon, I felt calm and prepared. Thanks to my running coach and her sound advice!

Do you want to perform your best on race day? Let a running coach help guide you.

7.) Running Tips & Guidance

Why Hire an Online Running Coach - Running Tips

There’s exactly 5,389 things that can go wrong while training for a race.

Just kidding, I made that number up. πŸ™‚ Sounded crazy, right?

But the point is – there’s a lot that can go wrong, and you may need help troubleshooting.


Gear issues.

Bad workouts.

It’s raining! What do I do? How do I run in the rain??

Figuring out how to run in the heat.

And snow…if you live in New England like me, running in the snow a legit concern for months out of the year.

Preventing running injuries.

I could go on and on, but I’ll spare you the details πŸ™‚

But inevitably, you will need to bounce ideas off of someone, or ask advice from a knowledgeable resource.

That person should be your online running coach! You can contact him/her online and usually get a response back pretty quickly.

8.) Goal Development Assistance

This last one is something that a lot of runners don’t think about.

What does it mean, exactly?

It means having someone to help you develop your goals in a way that makes sense for you.

For example, you say you want to run a marathon in 3 months. Great!

Then your running coach asks how many miles per week you run right now, and you say 10.

**imagine big flashing warning lights going off**

Your running coach should then guide you to the right set of goals in support of your bigger goal (when you may not realize you even need it).

So in this case…you probably need longer to prepare your body properly before trying a marathon in 3 months. Your running coach might suggest a 10K, then a half marathon first. Then spending 12-16 weeks training for a marathon.

And you know what? Often times, that simple suggestion will make you more successful.

Maybe you didn’t realize you needed more time. That’s ok, that’s what a running coach is for – to assess your goal, the time frame, the requirements of the race, and your current status, and help determine realistic goals to keep you healthy and happy.

Ok, I’m in! How Do I Hire a Running Coach?

This is me right before my second half marathon (where my awesome coach helped me hit my goal!)

Great question!

Well, I’m Bethany, and I just so happen to be an RRCA-certified running coach! (I would be remiss if I neglected to mention that now haha).

You can find my online running coach services page here, along with more information on available packages and how to get started.

I’m here to help you crush your running goals, no matter where you live (just as long as you speak English…my Spanish and Italian skills have long since gone away from my school years haha).

Are you ready to set yourself up for success? To save time, and get a customized training plan that’s made for you?

Then let’s get started!

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Why hire an online running coach? To help you crush your goals, that's why! Learn 8 reasons to hire a coach today.

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